News from the Parish Council, Dec. 2023
Tuesday, 19 December 2023 17:40
Grit bins
With the advent of the often coldest months of the year, the Parish Council grit bins will be all topped up with fresh grit for residents to use on the highway and pavements (not private drives I'm afraid) - thank you to Councillor Lawson and CIPS.
Nature recovery
The Parish Council Trees and Greens working group has been meeting with members of the Rockingham Trust Vision to discuss and look at nature recovery actions that can be taken for each of the Parish Council owned green areas. There will be plans for each area that will improve bio-diversity value and wildlife habitats.
Playing Field and pavilion management
Following the decision to permanently take on the pavilion from the cricket club, the Parish Council agreed to replace the Playing Field Management Committee, made up of Councillors and residents, with a Playing Field Working Group. These Councillor only group members/meetings will not have any decision making or spending powers (as it is not a committee) and so all decisions will be made in public at the existing, monthly Parish Council meetings, from proposals put forward by the new working group.
The working group will be busy looking at refurbishment options for the pavilion, new contracts with sports clubs to hire the facilities, health and fire safety compliance, as well as the play area, playing field and woodland area ongoing maintenance and improvements. The current caretaker, is stopping his contract for services from the end of January 2024 and so this work will need to be reviewed by the group and the Parish Council. The Parish Council made a vote of thanks at their last meeting for all the hard work carried out by the Playing Field Management Committee non-councillor members up to now.
Season's Greetings
The Parish Council wishes all Easton residents a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
As usual, if there are issues you wish to raise, please do attend one of the monthly meetings or contact me the Clerk; or tel 07889669550