Parish Council Update: October, 2024

Tuesday, 24 September 2024 09:37

Easton on the Hill Parish Council news


Van parking and speeding 

I have had representations made regarding the parking of vans - in Westfields particularly - meaning it is difficult for delivery drivers to get through.  Also, that some vehicles are going too fast near The Close play area entrance, where children may be exiting the track leading to the play area.  Please can all drivers park considerably, especially opposite laybys, and be particularly mindful and slow near to the play area?

If anyone would be interested in operating a Community Speedwatch scheme, please do contact me, details below.  You would be part of a group to detect and record data of speeding vehicles along Stamford Road - or wherever the need is felt.


Streetwatch/Crime prevention

The Northamptonshire police has asked that those residents with dashcams and/or doorbell cameras let them know, please.  It will help when detecting crime in the area and preventing crime in the future.  Go to to register your devices.

There is also a scheme alongside Neighbourhood Watch, called StreetWatch where residents can set up a scheme for their street to patrol their streets, get to know the neighbours and be aware of any issues, whilst creating a sense of reassurance and safety.  A co-ordinator is required, 2 hours per month minimum of "patrolling" and 2 residents at least to work together.  Please go to and search for streetwatch for more details.


Parish Councillor vacancies

The Parish Council has 2 vacancies.  If you think you can spare some time to attend meetings, make decisions on improving the village facilities and environment, comment on planning applications, get involved in nature recovery, check finances and agree budgets/precepts, please do get in touch.  Details below or talk to any of the current councillors.


Next meeting

The next meeting of the full council is on Monday 14th October, 7pm in the village hall. All residents are welcome to raise a concern about any items on the agenda - displayed in the bus shelter and on line


Mrs Jenny Rice, Clerk. Tel 07889669550