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Curate on the Hill - January, 2023

Saturday, 17 December 2022 21:24

Check out the Benefice Website: www.kingscliffebenefice.uk/

Happy new year to you all. I hope that you enter 2023 with a feeling of hope and positivity. The theme for this month has been outrageously stolen from the old adverts which said A Dog is for life, not just for Christmas. This is how I feel about faith and Jesus. Hopefully over the last few weeks you have been able to celebrate in some way. Some of you might even have ventured into a church. But the question might now be, what next? Do we start the year with resolutions, gym membership or holiday planning for the summer? Perhaps now is a time to explore what you think about the idea of faith?

With this in mind I have organised a course called ‘Growing Faith’ which will allow people a chance to explore what they truly believe and whether Jesus might be part of that. The course will run weekly over 8 weeks from 5th January until the beginning of Lent. The course will be held in Kingscliffe church for the whole benefice. The first session will start with a meal and then be an informal chat about aspects of faith.

There is no commitment and if at any point you decide that it is not for you then it is fine to let me know that you won’t be coming back. Growing Faith is designed to support two groups. First are those who might have some idea of faith but know what that might be, whose faith might not fit within the structure of the church or those who don’t know where to start. The second group is those with some sort of Christian faith but don’t know how to talk about it. Some people may regularly come to church but still not understand much about their faith. (regularly might mean every week, might mean every year for the carol service).

If this sounds like something you might be interested in please fill in the online form to let me know. https://forms.office.com/e/D9NNLHzY4n more information and the link to this form can be found on the benefice website www.kingscliffebenefice.uk/

Below are a list of the upcoming services around the benefice. I would particularly encourage families to try the new family service in Easton on the hill. There will be pizza and fun in a relaxed atmosphere.

18/12/2022            10:30 Holy Communion                       Easton on the Hill

18/12/2022            16:00 Carol Service                               Collyweston

18/12/2022            16:30 Service of the Word                     King's Cliffe

18/12/2022            18:00 Carol Service                               Laxton

24/12/2022            16:30           Lantern Family Service           Peace Garden,Easton

24/12/2022            16:00 Crib Service                                          King's Cliffe

24/12/2022            23:30           Midnight Mass                          Easton on the Hill

25/12/2022            09:30           Christmas Communion               King's Cliffe

25/12/2022            10:00           Christmas Communion               Collyweston

25/12/2022            10:00           Christmas Communion               Laxton

25/12/2022            11:00           Christmas Communion               Bulwick


Date and timeChurchType of Service
Sunday 1st January
King’s CliffeBenefice Communion
Sunday 8th January
King’s CliffeHoly Communion
Sunday 8th January
BulwickHoly Communion
Sunday 8th January
Easton‑on‑the‑HillFamily Praise
Sunday 15th January
CollywestonHoly Communion
Sunday 15th January
Easton‑on‑the‑HillHoly Communion
Sunday 15th January
King’s CliffeAfternoon Service
Sunday 22nd January
King’s CliffeHoly Communion
Sunday 22nd January
Easton‑on‑the‑HillHoly Communion
Sunday 22nd January
LaxtonHoly Communion
Sunday 22nd January
CollywestonEvening Prayer
Sunday 29th January
King’s CliffeHoly Communion
Sunday 29th January
Easton‑on‑the‑HillHoly Communion

If you have any questions about any services or have difficulty in getting to another place for a service, please get in touch with me and I will do everything I can to help everyone feel included and loved this Christmas.

Grace and peace,


Rev’d Keir Dow

Curate, King’s Cliffe benefice

Tel: 01780 753283

Mob: 079804 12345
