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Paws for Thought - The Theological Education of Rectory Puppy - January, 2023

Saturday, 17 December 2022 21:28

Welcome to the next instalment of the continuing theological education of Jessie (The rectory puppy) under the wise tutelage of Lexie (a wise old dog with formal theological training  and many years’ experience)

Jessie: Wasn’t Christmas brilliant.
Lexie: Yes, it is always nice to have family around and celebrate the birth of the Christ-child
Jessie: It was a non-stop party with food and fun. Why can’t it be like that all the time?
Lexie: Perhaps it should
Jessie: but Church usually is soooo boring
Lexie: But there is beauty in the grace of God
Jessie: Yeah yeah, but it is boring isn’t it?
Lexie: For some the beautiful liturgy and connection with God is awe inspiring.
Jessie: But for those who struggle with all of that wordy stuff?
Lexie: Yes But there is a new Family service starting in January.
Jessie: Really, Where?
Lexie: It will be in Easton on the Hill on the second Sunday of each month.
Jessie: But we usually go to the rugby club to run around and begging for treats?
Lexie: No Jessie, we go to support Rev Keir’s son when he is playing Rugby
Jessie: Well that might be what you’re doing…..
Lexie: Yes but Rev Keir has realised that Sunday morning is no good for many families.
Jessie: So why is there a family service on a Sunday Morning?
Lexie: There isn’t, it will be at 6 o’clock in the evening
Jessie: But , but, but, ….
Lexie: What’s wrong, you suddenly look very afraid.
Jessie: But, but, 6 o’clock is supper time.
Lexie: We will still get supper, Maybe even a bit early
Jessie: Phew, that is a massive relief.
Lexie: Rev Keir does try to think of everything
Jessie: But what about the families? Will they get their supper?
Lexie: Yes he has planned for there to be food there at the service for them.
Jessie: What sort of food? Dog food? Treats? Coffee and Cake?
Lexie: The first one will be Pizza
Jessie: Pizza, I love Pizza!!
Lexie: Then after that there will be a variety of food.
Jessie: This is sounding better and better.
Lexie: The idea is to make it easier for families to come. Church at 6-7 with food included then home for bedtime routines, homework etc.
Jessie: Forget all that, tell me more about the food
Lexie: People will just have to see…. By coming along.
Family Praise starts Sunday 8th January 6pm Easton on the Hill