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Curate on the Hill - June 2022

Friday, 24 June 2022 07:58

Curate on the Hill

This time of year is always a bit unusual in the church year. The Easter celebrations are over, Pentecost has come and gone, and we enter a period known as ‘ordinary time’. Following all the celebrations for the Jubilee, I am looking forward to a season of quiet and relaxing routine. I know that this will not be the case but, in my mind, there is a relaxing factor that comes with the summer months. Simple church services, weddings, baptisms, warmer weather, etc.

In the current climate of fear, suspicion, and recovery from Covid we must remember that the concept of relaxation is far from some people’s minds. As a church, locally and nationally, there is a move to become a focal point for peace and support. I hope that everyone can see the church in this way, but I know that this is not the case. Mistakes of the past haunt the reputation of the church. Perceptions of exclusion and judgement is still in the minds of those who do not engage with church. I really do understand why this is the case. My hope is that the whole church congregation can help challenge this view and simply show love, care, and acceptance.

I have teamed up with a charity called Safe Families. We are probably all aware that families who are struggling can be isolated, stressful, and negative environments. It seems that unless you are in absolute crisis, social services and other support providers do not offer any support. During my time as a teacher, I was only too aware of the JAM families (just about managing) and often they need a little support and guidance to make things significantly better. Safe Families offers a support network to give this little bit of extra help. In our communities I have seen people very willing to help their ‘neighbour’ with little things like a regular chat, mowing a lawn, popping to the shop etc. This is the basis of strong community, and this is what Safe families does. If you are interested in getting involved there is a launch event in Easton on the Hill village hall on Tuesday 27th September. There will be some information and the opportunity to sign up as a volunteer. This can be as a family friend, resource friend or even as a host family. More information can be found at safefamilies.uk

Every Blessing

Rev Keir
01780 753283

PS – Check out the new benefice website: www.kingscliffebenefice.uk