Curate on the Hill October 2022
Sunday, 25 September 2022 09:24
Curate on the Hill October 2022
This has been a challenging summer for me following the unexpected deaths of both my parents. This was followed by the death of the Queen which struck me far more that I would normally have expected.
Grief is a difficult thing to navigate - I know this now more than ever.
I suspect that the loss of the Queen, that has invoked a huge outpouring of emotion, is not all about grief. Not all of the feelings of loss and uncertainty will be due to love and affection for the queen. All our emotions and feelings of loss over the last couple of years will be brought to the front of our minds. Loss of loved ones, loss of freedom, loss of security, loss of finances, loss of normal life.
I have been aware of a variety of responses over the last few weeks from different people. Anger, upset, despair, confusion, uncertainty, fear, sadness, tears, I could go on. One response I heard on TV was "She was the stillness in this turning world". I think this is such a lovely sentiment. She was the head of state, leader of the Church and defender of the faith. She did all of these things whilst remaining ‘still’ unchanging and always there, behind the scenes.
Another comment I heard was "When David Attenborough goes, that will be all the grown-ups gone" This was from someone in their 60's. It is that feeling that all those parent figures, all those stabilizing forces. They are always there in the background making you feel safe and secure. Whatever your view on them and their roles, when they go, that might be what causes all the feelings of loss and despair. The church uses the term Lament which means a passionate expression of grief.
There is a whole book in the Bible called Lamentations, 70 of the Psalms are Lamenting psalms, Even Jesus offered up prayer, despair with tears and loud cries. We are not alone in grief, perhaps through the loss of the queen, will allow us all to know that were are not alone in our grief.
From the bible, from each other and from our countries leaders, we are all knowing that lament is OK. We can be upset, angry and lost. It's OK to say these things. And it's OK to say these things to God. It's OK to be questioning, angry, upset, blubbering mess, everything. Because God loves us and all shall be well.
I leave you with one thing I have heard about the queen (Whilst training for priesthood) " She was an excellent minister in the church, not because she did any of the practical things like fixing the roof, attend a PCC meeting or worrying about church finance but she refocused us on the meaning of being a Christian through her example of Faith, Duty and Service"
Grace and Peace,
Rev’d Keir Dow
01780 753 283