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Curate on the Hill April 2023

Wednesday, 29 March 2023 14:11

Check out the Benefice Website: www.kingscliffebenefice.uk
I have spent a lot of time (too much probably) watching the lambs in the glebe field next to the rectory. It really does fill my heart with joy seeing the little bundles of wool gamble around. It reminds me that the seasons are changing and that we are coming out of winter and into spring. The passing of the seasons gives an easy but significant way in which we mark the passage of time. This is something we have always done. This has brought my focus back to the upcoming changes in the staffing of this benefice. My 3 years of curacy are nearly up and I will be soon moving onto another place.
Before you all cry, wail, and despair, you will be very pleased to know that Rev Eddie Smith will be joining the benefice as incumbent. He will bring a significant amount of energy and experience. He will be licensed on Sunday 18th June in King’s Cliffe church and all are very welcome.
I hope and pray I can let people know when and where I will be going. I am likely to know by the end of April and could be moving at the end of June. Watch this space.
In the meantime I encourage everyone to step out with joy and excitement and take the lambs as your inspiration, perhaps try coming to a service if you haven’t already or even try a service in another village.
If you have any questions about any services or have difficulty in getting to another place for a service, please get in touch with me and I will do everything I can to help everyone feel included.
Grace and peace,
Rev’d Keir Dow
Curate, King’s Cliffe benefice
Tel: 01780 753283
Mob: 079804 12345
Sun 9th        11:00  Easter Communion                                   Rev Keir
Sun 16th      10:30  Holy Communion                                      Rev Keir
Sun 23rd      10:30  Holy Communion                                      Rev Michael
Sun 7th        9:30   Benefice Service @King’s Cliffe             Ministry team
                             (with Children’s activities – Chaos)
Sun 14th      18:00 Family Praise                                             Rev Keir
Sun 21st      10:30 Holy Communion                                        Rev Keir
Sun 28th      10:30  Holy Communion                                      Rev Michael
Sun 4th        9:30 Benefice Coronation service                   @King’s Cliffe
Sun 11th      18:00 Family Praise                                             Rev Keir
Sun 18th      10:00 Rev Eddie Smith Licensing                       @King’s Cliffe
Sun 25th      10:30 Holy Communion                                       Rev Michael
For more information about any of these events please check www.eastononthehill.church or
Facebook @eastononthehillchurch