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Curate on the Hill May 2023

Thursday, 27 April 2023 17:50

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Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia

This season of Easter is one of joy and celebration. The weather improves, the lambs are gambolling in the field next to the rectory and all seems a little more positive than the last few weeks. I have been really moved by a few conversations I have had over the last week or so. They have been focused on how my ministry have helped a small number of people to look afresh at faith and the church. As a priest who feels drawn to mission this has been a genuine treat and affirmation that I am doing something right. All too often the mission of the church is lost to both regular church goers and those who would never darken the door.

Part of my calling into ordained ministry has been to take the mission of the church out of the historic buildings and into the heart of the community and into people’s hearts. Many people struggle with the idea of mission and immediately think of missionaries taking the traditional anglicised view of God and church to the savages. This is not how I understand mission, which I hope comes as no surprise. I follow the modern Anglican view of mission which can be expressed through the 5 marks of mission. These were published in 1984 and give a clear direction to the church as a whole. They are listed below and I hope that each of us can reflect where we might focus our time in the work of the church and society.


  1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
  2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
  3. To respond to human need by loving service
  4. To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation
  5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth

Even when we have simplified the mission of the church down to five things, it can still be a little confusing. I have simplified my understanding of these marks below:


  1. Tell people about how good it feels to go to church and start to understand God.
  2. To help others in their understanding of God.
  3. To help others in all aspects of their lives.
  4. To make sure that people are less likely to need to rely on others.
  5. To look after the environment both locally and globally.

Even with these simplifications, Jesus was even better at making things simple. He suggested we should 1. Love God 2. Love your neighbour as yourself. That’s it in a nutshell. So, whenever you talk to someone about faith, you are furthering the mission of the church. Whenever you help someone, you are furthering the mission of the church. Whenever you stand up for peace, you are furthering the mission of the church. Whenever you pick up litter, tend a garden or reduce your carbon footprint, you are furthering the mission of the church. Coming to church is only one small part of the mission and so I want to say thank you to all of those people who support the mission of the church without even realising it.

Thanks.                                                                                  Rev. Keir