Horticultural & Crafts Society

News and events from the Horticultural & Crafts Society

To become a member or joining the committee and for more information on the society and all our events

email us: eastonshow2020@yahoo.com

The following photos show what Fergus has designed at Great Dexter

(click on a picture for larger versions)

Great Dixter is a house in "Northiam" , East Sussex, England. It was built in 1910–12 by architect "Edwin Lutyens". The garden, widely known for its continuous tradition of sophisticated plantsmanship, is Grade I listed in the "National Register of Historic Parks and Gardens".

Lloyd and Lutyens began the garden at Great Dixter, but it was Lloyd's son "Christopher Lloyd (gardener)", a well-known garden writer and television personality, who made it famous. The garden is in the "Arts and Crafts movement" style, and features "Topiary", a long border, an orchard and a wild flower meadow. The planting is profuse, yet structured, and has featured many bold experiments of form, colour and combination. The garden is currently managed by "Fergus Garrett", who worked closely with Lloyd up until his death in 2006 as Head Gardener and introduced a number of innovations into the planting scheme.

Fergus has held the position of Head Gardener for the internationally acclaimed Great Dixter Garden since 1993. In 2006, Fergus took over the position of CEO of The Great Dixter Charitable Trust.

Horticultural & Handicrafts Show 11th August 2024


Another very successful show this year which was well attended, we had over 300 entries from 54 exhibitors and it was so good to see some new names on the cups and trophies that were awarded.


Even accounting for the vagaries of this year’s weather, we had a good crop of vegetables and flowers entered and a dazzling display of dahlias. It was very pleasing to see an increase in both handicrafts and cookery. With other increasing entries, it would be good to see more in Floral Art but it still does look good.


Calling all juniors (under 16 years old) what would you like to exhibit at the show? Please let us know of anything you are interested in that we can incorporate into a class just for you. We want to encourage gardeners of the future, so we will continue to have a horticultural item for you to grow.


Many thanks to Lucinda Hallam and Mitchell Farms for the superb hamper they gave us for the raffle, thanks also to The Blue Bell and Wothorpe Nurseries and others who donated raffle prizes, it was well subscribed.


Of course, my very great thanks to all the committee members and helpers who enabled the show to go ahead, especially the ‘tea ladies’. Special thanks to John Reeve for his help (with van) for setting up the day before and clearing up after the show.

Many thanks also to Ken and Stella Rawson for this beautiful flower arrangement in memory of Ted Ford, the show’s ‘potato king’! The Society have pesented the Frank Ford Trophy to Glenis and family as Ted had won it so often for his potatoes, that we did not think it right to present it to anyone else.


Further photographs from the show can be seen below, on the Society’s Facebook page. Also look out for our future events.


Marion Cutforth, Chairman



What a brilliant show! That is not just me saying it, so many people said it when visiting and emailing afterwards and even stopping me in the street a week later to say so. There were over 300 entries in 59 classes with 47 exhibitors, a third of which were new entrants from outside the village, our advertising strategy this year paid off handsomely. We attracted 150 adult visitors plus lots of children.

The 60th class was the children's sunflower competition which started out at the Gala with the Society handing out 21 seedlings. There were then 17 entries for judging and the tallest sunflower was 230cm and the largest flower head 28cm across. Massive thanks to Mandy Lerse and Beulah Smith for organising and judging this competition.

It was pleasing to note the increase in the dahlia entries, lovely blooms and the two pot plant classes had over 20 entries between them. Other flower classes were well entered and the vegetables too looked magnificent.

The new look of the Garford Hall was an elegant background to the staging of the exhibits, thanks to the Garford Trust for letting us use it.

Some handicraft classes had lower than usual entries but knitting and crochet had 15 entries – if anyone would like to see a class for a different handicraft, then do please let me know. Not so many entries in cookery as previous shows but the men only sponge cake was a big draw with 12 entries, well cooked to new winner Peter Smith! Photography entries has increased again and entries in childrens classes were encouraging.

Very well done to all our exhibitors, you all contribute to the success of the show and it was pleasing to present some of the trophies to newcomers. Special mention here to Isla Mackie who was awarded the Harold Gregory Memorial Cup for the best exhibit, chosen by President John Oram, of the whole show.

Finally but most importantly, our very many thanks to committee members and all our other helpers for setting up/taking down; the hugely successful teas and tombola and all the other work involved. Special thanks also to our raffle prize givers – Lucy Hallam and Mitchell Farms, the Blue Bell and Wothorpe Nurseries.

Please come and join us at the AGM in early February, we always welcome new members.

Marion Cutforth, Show Chairman

Rose Day 2023

Here are some pictures taken on our Rose day, we would like to thank everyone who came along and helped to make this a successful day.

103rd Annual Show – Chairman's Report

There were ups and downs for our annual horticultural show held on Sunday 7th August. The downs were a smaller entry for vegetables and flowers but this was to be expected due to the hot weather and lack of rain (us gardeners are never satisfied with the weather!) but there was still enough to give a lovely display. We were also surprised at the low entries in photography, as previous years usually yielded a large number of exhibits.

The ups were the number of people who came to visit us and partake of teas and cakes in the Blue Bell garden and came to the village hall to see the show entries displayed; have a go on the tombola; and buy raffle tickets. There was lots of chatter between exhibitors and visitors which is always good to see.

Also on the ups list was the glorious weather, maybe a bit too warm but so nice to sit under the marquee roof in the pub garden and have a cup of tea and chat to friends.

Another up was the number of helpers and committee members we had who set up/took down display stands and tables and made cakes for the teas and served them, they were brilliant and I very much thank them for all of their hard work to make the show a success.

This year's show has also given me plenty to think about for next year – yes, there will definitely be a show! It will be bigger and better and anyone interested in helping us, please contact me, we always need people to keep this show alive for everyone in the village.

So overall it looks as though there were far more ups than downs!

Marion Cutforth, Show Chairman  marioncutforth@btinternet.com